Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Can You Help a Knower Out?

For Friday, please find a link that will inspire Knowledge Issues.  Post the link to the article in Comments, along with a brief introduction to the piece.
For Tuesday, follow the link posted under (after) yours, then post two knowledge issues that you extract from the piece.


  1. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=126977945

    This is a news report which talks about a study done (and a book written about that study) concerning perception and how our brain processes information. It reminded me a little of our discussions about our body - our mind's vessel - influencing the mind itself.
    You can listen to the story at the top or read the transcript of the interview.

  2. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/physics/fabric-of-cosmos.html#fabric-of-cosmos

    This link has four sub-links about What's Space, The Illustration of Time, Quantum Leap, and Universe or Multiverse.

  3. http://theweek.com/article/index/221913/why-cant-we-find-aliens

    This link discusses extra terrestrial life and why we have not discovered other life forms.

  4. "More 21st Century Upgrades from the Classroom"


    (click pictures to see examples!)

    The artical tells how a fifth grade teacher teaching American Revolution by creating Facebook profile pages of historical people to let the kids understnd the relationship between them and as well as some of their background.

  5. http://www.opednews.com/articles/Conspiracy-Theory-by-paul-craig-roberts-110620-169.html

    This is an OP-ED article about conspiracy theories. The author of this article used to be a Wall Street Journal editor, and an Assistant Secretary of the U.S Treasury.

  6. http://brainden.com/paradoxes.htm

    This link provides a number of examples of paradoxes.
    The definition of a paradox is "a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth."
    When you read a paradox, your thought process usually goes around in circles. This link will make you think with a smile, and even laugh.

  7. This article talks about human nature and how it affects society, in turn affecting actions. It goes on to state that emotion and even decision-making are forged by natural selection. It specifically talks about Steven Pinker and his studies in psychology and human actions.


  8. http://consumerist.com/2011/11/walking-through-doorways-can-possibly-make-you-forget-things.html
    This article talks about a study that shows the compartmentalization of the brain. I think this is very interesting because we have all had the experience of walking in the room and ask ourselves "What did i come here for?" that is because the human brain is structured in such a way that it splits ideas and concept. And this is simply the study that proves that walking into the room makes you forget more, because the brain forgets when you walk into a new room.

  9. http://www.informationphilosopher.com/knowledge/problem/

    This link is about the issue of the problem of knowledge, and how knowledge can be stored in different ways. This website explores the different ways in which it can be stored.

  10. http://learning.ucmerced.edu/succeeding-college/how-college-different-high-school

    This link highlights the differences between High school and College. It gets thinking about boarding school life and the different ways of learning.

  11. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://images.huffingtonpost.com/2009-02-18-cartoon.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/02/18/new-york-post-chimp-carto_n_167841.html&h=374&w=550&sz=176&tbnid=8Zqw0WZUcSRXOM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=132&prev=/search%3Fq%3DObama%2Bcartoon%2Bmonkey%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=Obama+cartoon+monkey&docid=uJqWCGZR1hqf2M&hl=en&sa=X&ei=733VTvPgLOn00gGvz6iPAg&ved=0CCwQ9QEwAQ&dur=453

    This is a cartoon that was featured in a newspaper.

  12. Responding to TO:
    How has education been changed by the evolution of language?
    Do advancements in technology detract from the development of language?

  13. This is Mary's link about paradoxes: http://brainden.com/paradoxes.htm

    *How does language influence our beliefs in truth?
    *To what extent does perception help us better understand truth?

  14. I read SaskiaTOK's article on an Evolutionary Psychologist named Dr. Pinker:

    -To what extent do laws or rules make an impact on one's ethical perception?

    -To what extent does language help one grow and develop?

  15. I had Ami's link (which was very interesting if anyone has time to read it)...
    1. To what extent does knowledge learned at an early age guide one to justify challenges that will be faced later in life?
    2. Does one's perception provide a theory for the different levels of learning?

  16. I read Anna's website article and I also listened to the podcast. I came up with so many questions because it was just so fantastic, but I had a hard time getting rid of them. I'm sorry, but I have three left (I know it's not two):

    How does emotion surpass the functions of the brain?

    How can the ways of knowing deceive a knower?

    To what extent is the brain the controller of decision making?

  17. Responding to Emilie's article http://consumerist.com/2011/11/walking-through-doorways-can-possibly-make-you-forget-things.html

    Knowledge Issues:
    -To what extent does the compartmentalization of the brain influence cognition and life?
    Through the link for the Huffington Post:
    -To what extent is perception affected by the outside world?

  18. I read the transcript of the first link on Tillula's website, entitled The Fabric of the Cosmos: The Illusion of Time.
    My knowledge issues:
    Are there areas of knowledge which do not require, or are beyond, definition?
    How does time – memory, an uncertain future, history – influence the way we view the world, the way we view knowledge, and the way we understand experience and reality?

  19. In response to Alysha's article:
    To what extent does belief hinder the storage of knowledge?
    How does belief impact information stored in the human mind?

  20. I had Kate’s post about aliens
    - To what extent are humans completely aware of their outer space surroundings based on their perception and knowledge of what’s out there?
    - To what extent is the future dependent on the past if ones past is another’s future?

  21. Responding to Sara-Sara:

    What determine an unacceptable truth?
    How did News change follow with human developement?

  22. I had NahFeeSah2's link

    1. How do ideas represented in government set rules influence one's beliefs?

    2. To what extend does classification influence decision making?


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