Friday, June 22, 2012

Weighing In on Scale

In the middle of the transition to summer, to a changing role at SBS, the anticipation of my sister's wedding, and my impending age mile stone, I find myself thinking about the powerful effects of perspective.  In accepting my implicit invitation to join in this reflection, please take two steps before writing: consider this incredible sliding scale; choose an aspect of your life and examine the ways you have considered it differently from different places.  For local noon on Friday 29 June, please write about the effects of perspective on you the knower.  While shifts in perspective over time are powerful and important, focus instead here on those shifts brought on by changes in your location.  As the link suggests, "closer" and "farther" are different locations.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

A Very Good Place To Start

Greetings Knowers and happy summer. When we were last together, the big ideas were flying fast and furious, as were the hugs and roses. With a week's perspective (or amnesia) under your belt, please revisit Mia's speech. Extract a knowledge question from the speech and connect it to another moment of knowledge from your own life. This writing is due Friday 22 June at noon (in your time zone).